DAE Capanno Tassoni

DAE Capanno Tassoni
6 August 2015 No Comments on DAE Capanno TassoniThis project is a collaboration between the cardiology department of the New Hospital in Sassuolo, the Italian Federation Security Skiing sect. Emilia – Romagna and Shelters in the Appennines. Partners are the Rotary Club Sassuolo, the Rotary Club of Castelvetro Terra dei Rangoni, the Rotary Club Frignano and the Rotary Club Vignola Castelfranco Emilia Bazzano.
The idea is to identify some paths with characteristics that make them viable safely by people with heart disease. Within the network of routes were identified shelters that, properly equipped, as a basis of support for the project.
The main goal is to make sure our Apennines equipping shelters AEDs whose cost will be supported in part by the operators and in part by 4 Rotary club initiators. This is to allow even those who have a history of heart problems to enjoy our mountains and stay in shelters with some confidence and tranquility.
This project is part of a program that aims to make the mountains of the Apennines and our shelters increasingly safe and accessible to all those who for various health reasons or different abilities currently can not enjoy its beauty.
Refuge shelter Tassoni: 1,317 m. slm
Accessibility: It can be reached directly by car.